National Award-winning director Nitin Kakkar’s much-delayed Ramsingh Charlie, deals with the life of a Chaplin impersonator in a Circus company and his struggling journey. The movie is lit up by a terrific performance from Kumud Mishra and his supporting wife Divya Dutta. Its a flawless natural performance from both and drives the movie in a convincing way. How will an Artist survive outside of his comfort passionate zone when faced with adversity is dealt in a heart felt way. It offers some beautiful life lesson of what makes up the life of an Artist. There are some stand out moments in the film which will move you for sure. Its a true spirit of the tramp and its revival story. The screenplay could have much better as its uneven and failed to make a mark fully. I was also expecting to see a full blow charlie act, which never happened. In the end, the hard take on the life of a struggling artist is worth a shot just for the performance alone.
Verdict - 3/5(The circus outside)