One of the key film i am looking forward to watch this year is director Bhaskar Hazarik's Aamis which is slated for a release in November. Meanwhile i decided to checkout his debut film Kothanodi (The River of Fables) which won the National Award for Best Assamese Film in 2016. I was lucky enough to get a print online.
Let me warn you upfront, this is a very very difficult watch so proceed with caution. This is a sort of film which is hard to recover and impossible to get out of your head soon kind. The movie is an adaption of four classic Assamese folk tales. The depiction here isn’t necessarily all sunshine and rainbows like what you see in a typical fairy tale or fantasy movies. The theme of Motherhood is told in a distinctly dark flavor. Each of its four stories centers around woman focusing on aspects of greed, compassion, vengeance and vain.
The opening scene itself will give you a shock and with that kind of horrifying introduction you will realize whats in the menu card is not an easy digest at all. Some of the unique imagination, and is not intended to be simple or to have a clean resolution. The combination of innocence to brutality, fantasy to reality is surprisingly executed and handled in a matured way. The myths of Indian culture, the religious believes and witchcraft is told in a unsettling but in an almost plausible style. The music score is another big plus. Though Kothanodi is one of a kind you still get baffled by its ending and sluggish pace may not fit the bill for many cine goers.
Verdict - 3.5/5(A refreshing haunting narrative)