The title offers many meaning and literally Who is destroying who comes back in circles. This is going be the most controversial and disturbing series i have watched this year. I am totally surprised by the way the makers dealt with such a sensitive subject with a killer combination of dark humor and inner pain. Its a brilliant exploration of human mind. Its not at all an easy watch as it quiet raw in its treatment on the life of younger generation and misuse of freedom.
It will feel super chaotic at times but the the introspective story is narrated beautifully. The climax titled as Ego Death, will be up for discussion as it deals with varying patterns of thought ,fantasies and behavior. Its a Run Lola Run with a if then else scenario and i was shocked to see such an ending.
The agony and the trauma is showcased with so much authenticity and the lead character (who in fact is also the director) is just amazing. Its a different form of grief and how she overcomes it. A daring attempt and a reflection of the society we live in where things are taken for granted and judgement are made easily. Go ahead if you are looking for quality and dont mind unflinching honesty and vulnerability. Now streaming on HotStar.
Verdict - 4/5(Crossing the line of Consent)